Dump all MySQL with shell and cron- upload to S3

Dump all MySQL with shell and cron- upload to S3

A script is used for this - used on passwordless local root logins.

0 0 * * * /home/backup/mysql/dumpmysql.sh
0 1  * * * s3cmd sync /home/backup/mysql/ --multipart-chunk-size-mb=500 s3://bucketname/folder/mysql/

It should be noted that the shell script will dump all existing mysql databases to the /home/backup/mysql folder, archive then to a tgz named with todays date, then remove the .sql files.

The s3 cron syncs the files (sync does not upload existing files with matching checksums) - so you should set a lifecycle on the bucket folder to keep it from filling up.

Attached files: dumpmysql.sh

Last update:
2014-11-18 17:25
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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